Monday, 5 September 2011

Bristlebot fun

The magnet wire has double role a construction and stabilization device.
One day I saw a video of a nice toy called bristlebot. Basically it was a small vibration motor mounted on a top of a toothbrush with a battery and which moved on a flat surface. It seemed so fun that I got a motor and built one myself. The battery holder served before as a cap of a HDMI cable, toothbrush had seen the best of its days and the wires were easy to find too. Two 1,5V batteries in series provide more than enough of juice, as the motor started even at 0,3V. The cap just keeps two batteries better than one, and one toy can never have too much power, I've been told. The device runs quite nicely, especially after tuning the brushes. The eyes are actually at wrong end, as it seems to move better to other direction, but what good is a bug without eyes;)